KPSGA Guide Levels

1) Bronze eligibility: Candidates should ideally have a certificate in a related field from a TRA-endorsed institute, or have sufficient experience in the field or should be working in the tourism industry   

2) Silver level eligibility: A guide must have a minimum of three (3) additional years in the field, as a paid-up Bronze level member (last 3 years subs paid)

3) Gold level eligibility: A guide must have a minumum of three (3) additional years in the field, as a paid-up Silver level member (last 3 years subs paid)

Additional information on each level can be found on the "Membership Levels" Page

Training Required

Candidates wishing to pursue a career in safari guiding, and sit for the Bronze exam should have a certificate in Tour Guiding (or similar/related field) from a TRA-endorsed institute. Of course time spent on the recommended reading list will assist considerably.

Topics covered on the Bronze exam

The first step at the Bronze-Level includes 100 simple multiple choice questions on different knowledge domains, ranging from local geography and history, current affairs, through first aid, to conservation, knowledge of wildlife, birds, trees and flowers.  Anyone who has been diligent and alert during their several years in the field should find the bronze level relatively easy.

Exam Location

The test will be offered periodically at centres designated by KPSGA. Most exams are held at the Classrooms within the Nairobi Safari Walk at the KWS Headquarters on Langata Road, Nairobi.  Additional regional exam sittings can be arranged with the office

Fees & costs

The cost to cover one (1) Bronze Exam sitting and one (1) year of provisional membership is K.Shs 5,000/-.  To sit the Silver-level exam and cover 1 year of membership now costs K.Shs 6,000/-.  Repeating these two exams during the current/same year is K.Shs 2,000/-.  We issue membership cards valid for one year and request all candidates to come with two passport size coloured photos of themselves taken against a light background. 

Annual Subscriptions

Provisional member:  K.Shs 5,000/- Includes 1 exam attempt & 1 year’s subscription 

Bronze member     :  K.Shs 2,500/- per year (for every subsequent year)

Silver member       :  K.Shs 4,000/- per year.

Gold member        :  K.Shs 6,000/- per year. (After the initial exam fee)